The Sinestro Corps War Part 4

Sector 2814: The Green Lantern Podcast Episode #136

Welcome back to Sector 2814, the Green Lantern podcast. In this episode Phil and Will continue the Sinestro Corps War with a review of Green Lantern Corps #18 & #19 (January & February 2008), Green Lantern #25 (January 2008), Tales of the Green Lantern Corps: Ion #1 (January 2008) and Green Lantern/Sinestro Corps Secret Files & Origins #1 (February 2008) featuring the end of the Sinestro Corps as Ion battles Superboy-Prime, Hal and Kyle defeat Sinestro as he accomplishes his goal, and the Anti-Monitor becomes the Black Lantern.

Tune in today and don’t forget to review the show on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, YouTube, and anywhere else you can! 

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→  Produced by: The Capes and Lunatics Sidekicks Podcast

Production Team: Phil Perich

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